Meet OUR lovely Boys
We thought it might be fun to intoduce our lovely boys. We currently have three rams – Ted, Herb and Freddie! They are the friendliest boys you could hope to meet. They live in the orchard and we walk past them many times a day on the way to the studio and they are always up for a bit of attention and a scratch.
Ted is a pure bred Blue Texel, his fleece is so soft and spongey with lovely tones of blue grey and brown. He brings the softness and interestering colour to our fleeces. Herb is a pedigree Greyface Dartmoor ram. Herbs babies are by far the cutest with their little black noses! His fleece is quite coarse but it has a lovey long staple and an amazing wavy texture. Freddie is quite new to us and is just six months old, he is a pure Valais Blacknose. His fleece is silky soft and long with lovely curls. We will have to wait until this time next year to see what his lambs will look like.
We hope that by using these rams with our ewes over the next few years we hope to get all of these qualities together in one perfect fleece for our Felted Sheepskins which combines texture, colour and softness……well thats the plan anyway! With lambing just around the corner we cant wait to see what our lambs will be like!!
If you’d like to see more of our work check out our gallery page here!