Meet the Farmer
We have been looking for a reliable source of Masham wool for a while and this year we were introduced to farmer Brian Lynds. Brian has a traditional Devon farm not far from us, and in typical Devon local style it turns out he knows most of our family through cricketing connections!
Masham wool is fine, white and very curly. Its felts beautifully and lucky for us Brian keeps a flock of Masham sheep. Masham sheep were a very popular breed but in recent years have been mostly replaced with the Mule, which just isn’t as curly!
I recorded an impromptu conversation with Brian about his life and farming Masham sheep. I wasn’t planning on sharing it here, rather using it as a memory prompt to write this blog post. However when I listened back to the conversation I just really wanted share to it. Something about that accent and the sound of sheep in the background…. Brian has a wealth of knowledge, his farm has a fascinating history and he is just about one of the loveliest, most charming farmers we’ve met.
Audio – Click here to listen to our conversation with Masham farmer, Brian Lynds